VOLT Light Leaders 2020-21 online

Values Oriented Leadership Training

Become a shining spark of Light for change

(a 6 month online spiritual expedition)

• Would you like to be able to do more to make our world a better place for everyone?

• Are you looking for direct access to your inner core competencies and most valuable resources?

• Do you want to feel safer, more confident, and infinitely loved ... and make better decisions?

Now is the time!

Together we can tip the scales.

Join us in this intensive training and become a VOLT Light Leader!

Like many others who have worked on personal growth, you may already have a spiritual sense of what is really important in your life. And now you wish to encourage and support others in a positive, uplifting and sustainable way. It is high time to stop feeling small and incapable. Our world needs people who live spiritual values ​​for the benefit of all. Values ​​that are anchored in love AND whose importance for health and well-being has now been reliably scientifically proven.

The ancient mysteries and teachings are no longer reserved for a few, they are now available to all of us. For the first time in the history of mankind we can consciously regulate our body, our thoughts and emotions in order to positively influence our nervous system, our blood and our brain chemistry. As a result, our body relaxes, our mind becomes clearer, and we become more emotionally stable and conscious. And the amazing thing is that this in turn improves social interaction over the long term. VOLT will not only provide you with the tools you need, but will also support you in your development so that you are the master of these tools even in critical situations.

That might sound like hard work to you. But as always in our work, I will guide you with ease and humor, and of course we will move our bodies, meditate with each other, exchange ideas in the group and ensure a safe, loving and family connection with each other. In all seriousness we will laugh a lot, guided by pleasure and well-being.

If you feel ready to move on with VOLT, and if my invitation resonates in your heart and mind, then you are cordially invited to join our multiregional group of VOLT-Light-Leaders for this 6-month spiritual expedition.

In the Spirit, Otto


„As you lead yourself, so you influence the world.“

Phase # 1: Maintain Inner Peace

VOLT-Light-Leaders train the art of calm and conscious self-love.

Phase # 2: Show Positive Intentions

VOLT light leaders train the ability to specify and clearly express personal intentions, wishes, needs and the underlying motivation.

Phase #3: Follow Genuine Passion

VOLT-Light-Leaders train the art of curiosity and spontaneity, break out of old patterns in an unpredictable way and discover a treasure full of innovation and charisma.

Phase #4: Initiate Compassionate Relationships

VOLT light leaders train the dynamics of unconditional communication and thus activate the change in relationships from power struggle to power sharing.


• Prerequisite: An online group meeting, an open seminar or a conversation with Otto Richter, but at least the written recommendation of a former trainee. 

• Schedule: 16 live zoom group meetings with Otto over 6 months, each 2.5 hours. The meetings take place at intervals of 10-11 days, alternating every 3rd Sunday morning and every 3rd Thursday evening, with a break over Christmas.

GUTE NACHRICHTEN: Zweifelsohne wird VOLT in Zukunft eine ausgewogene Kombination aus Online-Video-Sitzungen und Live-Workshops werden. Momentan ist noch nicht klar, ob dies schon für VOLT 2021-22 möglich sein wird. Bei der Entscheidung hat eure Sicherheit die höchste Priorität. Sobald es absehbar ist, wird das Format hier veröffentlicht. Danke für eure Geduld!

• You will also benefit from ... 

... lovingly guided, developing meditations, healing movement, rich teaching content and a warm exchange with the other group members.
... regular PDF versions with practical instructions for exercises, explanations and instructions for integrating relevant topics into everyday life.
... access to your support group through a private and secure ongoing online forum.
... access to a potential subgroup of members close to where you live, with whom you can meet on site from time to time on a completely voluntary basis.
... access to the live recordings of every session so that you can relive everything you want to repeat or practice, in your free time. These recordings, available for a limited time, are also the perfect solution in the event that you cannot attend a particular session.

• Training Costs:

EUR 135 per month (including VAT) x 6 months. If you have already participated in VOLT twice, I would like to support you in continuing by offering you that you only have to pay HALF PRICE.

YES: I hear the inner calling and I’m ready to become a VOLT Light Leader!

Please forward me to the page with further details and the formal registration.


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